quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2016

They couldn't block your love

Resultado de imagem para vietnam kiss

Enjoying beautiful than ordinary despise.
Intelligent but without any heart.
They know milking animals, know to prepare coffee, but do not know how to treat a person as she deserves to be treated.
Kind person you are; gentle and pleasant in daily share the messages here are null and poisonous.
You know how a person wants; what she does not deserve.
While I am listening to the cries of obsessed evildoers in gambling, in early destruction; in harms that they cause and I only carry the guilt to accept them blindly.
I know I can choose from; swallow a rose and suffocate me; or admire the variety of colors and share this variety to maybe appreciate it.
You know please and knows how to be fair to those who daily suffer heavy fluids dictated by those who refuse to understand love.
Who knows what love is savior and why; blocks it at all costs.
They could not block your beautiful gesture.
They could not block your image and your loving message.
The light of victory there is never to be forever blocked by greedy criminals. You proved it to me. And that's why I love you.

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