quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2016

They couldn't block your love

Resultado de imagem para vietnam kiss

Enjoying beautiful than ordinary despise.
Intelligent but without any heart.
They know milking animals, know to prepare coffee, but do not know how to treat a person as she deserves to be treated.
Kind person you are; gentle and pleasant in daily share the messages here are null and poisonous.
You know how a person wants; what she does not deserve.
While I am listening to the cries of obsessed evildoers in gambling, in early destruction; in harms that they cause and I only carry the guilt to accept them blindly.
I know I can choose from; swallow a rose and suffocate me; or admire the variety of colors and share this variety to maybe appreciate it.
You know please and knows how to be fair to those who daily suffer heavy fluids dictated by those who refuse to understand love.
Who knows what love is savior and why; blocks it at all costs.
They could not block your beautiful gesture.
They could not block your image and your loving message.
The light of victory there is never to be forever blocked by greedy criminals. You proved it to me. And that's why I love you.

The light that you sent me

With your good-will and your good heat that I managed to work every day unhappy that bad they stick to me.
Vulgarity and dishonest manipulation misrepresented values, my love will not die first.
Knowing values, people who know what they can offer me better; and then there's like being alienated.
There is no eternally devalue the opportune moment to give us one more chance for that rescue.
They give me clarity and a certain direction.
They give me the words I like to hear.
They love me would like to be loved.
I do not want what malefactors of literary cities daily do, selfishly, dishonestly, always wanting to do away with the joy of you, always wanting to end my joy.
They thought I just forever.
They thought they did not have return.
They continue to shout in the yards daily for minutes trying to disrupt this sweet reasoning.
The light that you sent me and send you better than you sent me.

terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2016

Come with me always hopeful

Come with me with love and warmth.
With the sweet smile that I wanted to see in you.
Graceful and always hopeful.
Leaving aside the humidity, the joy that is in every action made by you.
No idleness, no negativism, I will follow believing that smile I just saw - it will bring more confidence and quality in the actions made by me.
That will be less mess and more expertise.
My voice does not contain the intrigue of evildoers.
That my vibrations do not contain the thoughtless action can not trust in love and not in positive thinking.
That all that I saw and heard in the previous four days serve much to approach increasingly more regenerator destination.

sábado, 2 de julho de 2016

Say everything, explain everything

How can't I remember you, my dear?
When you send me your smiles and says me with your special looking.
When you are who touches me when another leave me alone.
How to ignore you and pretending about nothing happened?
It's a true evidence what there isn't how to escape.
Much I can talk, many nonsenses I may talk for days and weeks, but, your simple and sweet looking and smile say everything, explain everything.
It isn't without reason. I see your face, I begin to kiss you.